Saint Theresa of Lisieux 1873-1897. Saint Theresa is the co-patron of Foreign Missions.
She is also known as Saint Theresa the Little Flower. Saint Theresa was a Carmelite nun
who never left her convent, but her prayers and penances brought many souls in the mission
fields to the Church thus prompting her to be made Patroness of Missions and Missionaries.
The Vincentians in America have foreign missionaries in China-Taiwan, Africa, and South America.
Saint Theresa reminds us to pray for our foreign missionaries.
She was canonized on May 17, 1925.
There is a painting to the left of the altar that features Blessed Mary Magdalene Fontaine and Companions-1794.
The painting on the right of the altar features the Apparition to Sister Apolline, D.C., Red Scapular-1846.