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Association of the Miraculous Medal
The Rite for Investing in the Miraculous Medal

Celebrant: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

All (Make the sign of the Cross and reply): Amen.

Celebrant: Through the Son, born of Mary, every blessing comes to us from God our Father.

May His grace and peace be with you all.

All: And also with you.

Celebrant: God uses ordinary things as signs to express his extraordinary mercy toward us. Through simple things as well we express our gratitude, declare our willingness to serve God, and profess the resolve to live up to our baptismal consecration. This medal is a sign of entrance into the Association of the Blessed and Immaculate Virgin Mary, approved by the Church. The medal thus expresses our intention of sharing in the spirit of this Association. That intention renews our baptismal resolve to put on Christ with the help of Mary, whose own greatest desire is that we become more like Christ, in praise of the Trinity, until, dressed for the wedding feast, we reach our home in Heaven.

Prayer of Blessing
With hands outstretched, the celebrant continues:

Celebrant: O God, the author and perfecter of all holiness, you call all who are reborn of water and the Holy Spirit to the fullness of the Christian life and the perfection of charity. Look with kindness on those who devoutly receive this medal in honor of the Blessed and Immaculate Virgin Mary.  Let them become conformable to the image of Christ your Son, and, with the help of the Virgin Mother of God, joyfully complete the course of this life and merit to enter into the joy of your heavenly home.  We ask this through Christ our Lord.

All: Amen.

Conferral of the Medal
The celebrant puts the medal on each of the candidates, saying:

Celebrant: Receive this medal as the sign of your acceptance into the Association of the Blessed and Immaculate Virgin Mary. Live in such a way that, with the help of the Mother of God, you may more and more put on Christ and manifest Christ living in you, for the glory of the Trinity and for the service of the Church and of your neighbor.

All: Amen.

As circumstances suggest, the celebrant may, in a clear voice, pronounce the formulas of conferral once for all the recipients. They all join in replying Amen, then go one by one to receive the medal from the celebrant. The celebrant, in silence, sprinkles all present with holy water.

Concluding Rite
The celebrant concludes the rite, saying:

Celebrant: God, through the Immaculate Virgin Mary, so inexpressibly united with your Son, you cause us to rejoice in your great goodness. As we are supported by her motherly protection, may we never be without your providential love, and be always dedicated to the mystery of your redemption with unbounded faith. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

All: Amen.

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